Dyreriget – Spindlere – Mejere – Nemastomatidae
Nemastoma dentigerum
Uden Dansk Navn

21. February 2022 i found a few black harvestmen in Herlufholm, Næstved, that i could not determine, but they looked quite similar to Nemastoma lugubre, both without the white spots. A bit of research – and i noticed that Nemastoma dentigerum was found as a new species for Denmark in 2021 – the first observation was from a small locality in southern Jutland, close to the German border. I was able to find more specimens, and on request send them to Henrik Enghoff from the National Zoological Museum in Copenhagen. He confirmed, that my specimens was in fact Nemastoma dentigerum – and that the species seems to be spreading in Denmark. So far the species is only known from the original spot in Southern Jutland, and from Herlufholm Skoven, Næstved. It will be interesting to see if it shows up elsewere in 2022.